This page offers quick access to the audio-visual

projects created by Michael Mahony.

This House Can Talk

Willimantic has the highest concentration of Victorian Era homes in Connecticut.

For several decades owners of the historic homes would open them to tours by the public. During the tour owners and docents told stories about the home and its original occupants.

With the advent of COVID a virtual tour was created. Small signs with a QR code were placed at selected homes. Scanning the code opened an audio file relating some of the home's history.

Jillson House Museum

Jillson House is the small museum of the Windham Historical Society. The house was built in 1826 by a young banker who then built a small water powered textile mill.

The museum displays Victorian Era furnishings and costumes. QR codes replace the traditional museum labels. Patrons can learn more about some of the artifacts.

Additionally, several tablet computers have been set up as "Kiosks" to play a brief video introducing the room.

Murals Project

In 2008 the Windam Arts Organization commissioned seven murals by a local artist. In summer 2023 we will be unveiling QR coses that allows visitors to, "Discover the Story Behind the Mural."

Click on a file name in the directory to view the mural story.

Sample of the tiles placed beside murals.